When: Friday, August 20, 2021, 3:00 PM CST
Where: Webcast (email Chelsea Berglund to RSVP)
Greene Espel attorney Sybil Dunlop will be teaching a complimentary CLE on the effects of bias on your case, hosted by Collaborative Community Law Institute (CCLI). The latest research on bias demonstrates that it affects everything including how clients select lawyers, how judges decide motions, and how lawyers pick juries. This course will provide an overview of the latest research and teach ways to minimize its effect (without alienating the judge and jury).
CCLI is a nonprofit small-law-firm incubator. Its mission is to increase the number of small law firms in Minnesota providing affordable legal services to clients who are financially ineligible for legal assistance through existing legal nonprofits. It does this by educating and mentoring recent graduates of Mitchell Hamline School of Law to help them develop innovative law practices serving underrepresented communities that face barriers to accessing legal services. CCLI participants work with experienced mentors who answer questions, consult on cases, and offer advice and suggestions on how to run a law practice.