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Greene Espel PLLP hosted a screening of Balancing the Scales. The acclaimed documentary portrays the challenges women face in the legal industry and features stories from over 40 women including Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
After the screening, Greene Espel attorneys Sybil Dunlop and Erin Sindberg Porter facilitated a discussion with movie director Sharon Rowe and attendees on the themes raised in the movie, implicit bias and its impact, and solutions for eliminating gender inequality in the legal profession.
Erin is a founding member of the Minnesota Mother Attorneys Association and a frequent organizer of events advocating the advancement and success of women attorneys in legal practice and the political community. She is a member of the firm’s Business Litigation, Internal Investigations and White Collar Criminal Defense, and Compliance and Anti-Corruption practice groups.
Sybil has written and presented nationally on the topic of implicit bias, as well as legal writing and federal practice. She offers her thoughts about the practice of law in a monthly column for Minnesota Lawyer entitled Sybil Procedure and hosts a recurring webcast series for Minnesota CLE. She is a member of the firm’s Business Litigation and Intellectual Property practice groups.
Balancing the Scales will begin airing on 260 PBS stations across the nation starting in July 2017.