Tuesday, June 4, 2019
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM CT
Resideo, Golden Valley, MN
Please join for a presentation and discussion on “Implicit Bias: How It Affects the Legal Profession and How to Fix It.” Greene Espel attorney Sybil Dunlop will present and facilitate a discussion on Implicit Bias based on race, gender, disability, age, and sexual orientation as well as its impact on the legal industry. She will identify ways to recognize bias, discuss its implications, and share best practices for creating an inclusive legal community.
Sybil has spent the past several years championing a stronger and more diverse legal community. In 2016, increasingly frustrated by the legal profession’s lack of diversity, Sybil resolved to create an energizing and compelling CLE addressing the issue of implicit bias in the legal profession and—more importantly—how we can combat it. She committed to providing the program to anyone who asked. Since then, Sybil has taught the program on over 50 occasions across the country, including to 300 members of the Minnesota Judicial Branch. She has also written extensively on the topic of implicit bias in Minnesota Lawyer, the Hennepin Lawyer, and MDLA’s Magazine. For her work, Sybil was selected as one of the 2018 Diversity and Inclusion Honorees by Minnesota Lawyer. The honor celebrates those in the legal profession who go above and beyond in their efforts to create a more diverse and inclusionary community.
In her practice, Sybil helps clients resolve complex commercial and intellectual property disputes. In past year, she successfully tried a business litigation matter in Richmond, Virginia for a Fortune 100 company and a patent-infringement matter in federal district court in Minnesota. Sybil has represented clients before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, including the first patent owner to score a complete victory in a CBM proceeding. Sybil also offers her thoughts about the practice of law in a monthly column for Minnesota Lawyer entitled Sybil Procedure, and she hosts a recurring webcast series for Minnesota CLE.
For additional information about this event and how to register, please contact Ethelind Kaba at