News & Updates
When: September 30, 2016 | 10:30AM- 12:00PM:
Where: Hilton San Diego Bayfront, San Diego, CA
Topic: “Reed’s Impact on Solicitation Ordinances: Are you Regulating Content, Conduct and/or Communication?”
John Baker will be a panelist at the 2016 International Municipal Lawyers Association annual conference. John’s panel will discuss recent updates in First Amendment law focusing on solicitation and panhandling ordinances.
Most forms of solicitation and panhandling receive First Amendment protection. Many cities that choose to regulate aggressive solicitation and panhandling modeled their ordinances on ones blessed by federal judges, including former Justice Souter. After Reed v. Town of Gilbert in June 2015, some of those "safe" approaches have been called into question. The panel will discuss alternative strategies that are more likely to avoid, or satisfy, strict First Amendment scrutiny. They will also provide practical tips to consider when drafting, revising or enforcing local laws or policies regarding solicitation and panhandling restrictions.