When: Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Where: Webinar via Minnesota CLE
Greene Espel attorney Kate Swenson will co-present a Minnesota CLE webinar on Civil Litigation A to Z: Getting Started – Minnesota State Court Practice Essentials. The two-hour presentation will provide strategies and tips for successfully navigating Minnesota state court practice.
Sub-topics include:
How a typical case proceeds from start to finish;
How to stay focused on the big picture throughout the case;
How to level the playing field;
Pleading standards;
Tips and traps for discovery, motion practice, and settlement conferences;
Rules, rules, rules – which apply – and when;
Navigating e-filing, courtroom technology, and handling evidence at trial;
Why, when, and how to communicate with the court;
PLUS – Sweating the “small” stuff (appearances, pro hac vice motions, courtroom etiquette).
Kate Swenson guides clients in the public and private sectors through all stages of dispute resolution, including trial and the appellate process. She regularly briefs appeals in federal and state courts, and she has successfully argued before the Eighth Circuit, the Minnesota Court of Appeals, federal and state district courts, and administrative bodies.