Greene Espel attorney Peggy Kubicz Hall presented at the American Bar Association (ABA) Section of International Law annual meeting. Peggy presented on “How to Conduct an International Internal Investigation (Skills)” with Jeffrey Johnson [Global Anti-Bribery Compliance Manager, Investigations and Incident Response Manager] from Cargill, Inc. The teaching team provided corporate counsel with an overview of how to manage international investigations, from building an investigative protocol and operational framework before a crisis to initial response, investigation, and post-investigation follow-up. The speakers addressed jurisdictional concerns, locating evidence, and practical tips on cultural differences.
Peggy is a member of the ABA Section of International Law and is co-chair of its Corporate Counsel Committee. She focuses her practice on internal investigations and counseling—guiding clients through sensitive financial fraud, competition law and international law matters including the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, anticorruption, due diligence, internal investigations, and antitrust and competition law issues.