When: Thursday, January 11, 2018
Where: 2018 Minnesota School Boards Association (MSBA) Leadership Conference
Seminar details:
Among the speakers at the four-day 2018 MSBA Leadership Conference were Greene Espel attorneys Jeanette Bazis and Caitlinrose Fisher, who presented on the topic “Transgender in Transition.” They provided up-to-date information on state and federal statutes, case law, and government guidelines affecting transgender students’ rights. They offered practical suggestions on how school leaders can protect the rights of transgender students while protecting privacy interests of all students, and the potential costs to school districts of failing to do so.
As a member of the firm’s Employment practice group, Jeanette frequently advises school districts on many of their most pressing employment, civil rights, and constitutional issues. As one of the firm’s newest attorneys, Caitlinrose is a member of the Government and Constitutional Litigation practice group, where she brings an in-depth deep knowledge of and experience with federal courts, and constitutionality of state and federal laws.