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Monday, June 4, 2018 (Minneapolis, MN) — Greene Espel PLLP, a litigation, counseling, and investigations boutique firm located in Minneapolis announced that it has achieved ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification for its information security management systems.
ISO 27001 is a globally recognized standard for information security management systems. The certification process required that Greene Espel demonstrate a systematic and ongoing approach to managing sensitive information. ISO 27001 certification gives Greene Espel's clients third-party assurance that the firm has strong policies, data security guidelines, training, and active monitoring.
Greene Espel is among a select number of firms in the country to achieve ISO certification. “Security has always been a top priority at Greene Espel. Although certification is not required, we decided to embark on the year-long process to certification as a reinforcement of our commitment to managing risks to sensitive and confidential information” said Laura Broomell, the firm’s Chief Operating Officer. Ryan Helmer, the firm’s IT Director, added, “Greene Espel’s ISO 27001 certification is an internationally-recognized representation of our long-standing commitment to the safeguarding of our clients’ data. Our dedication to continual improvement aligns precisely with ISO 27001. It is a journey rather than a destination.”
Greene Espel represents some of the world’s largest companies as well as innovative startups and public-sector entities. The success of the firm lies in its collaborative culture which allows each attorney to be personally invested in clients’ challenges and successes. Achieving ISO 27001 certification further demonstrates a commitment to clients to protect their security and sensitive data.
Inquiries: For more information about Greene Espel’s ISO certification, please contact Laura Broomell, CLM or Ryan Helmer.