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When: Monday, May 22, 2017 – Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Where: St. Paul RiverCentre
Seminar details:
Greene Espel Attorneys Jenny Gassman-Pines, Cliff Greene, and Chris Schmitter will speak at the 2017 Upper Midwest Employment Law Institute. The Institute, hosted by the Minnesota CLE, features two days of practical and current analyses of issues and developments facing employers. Session descriptions for Greene Espel attorneys are:
Attorney Client and Work Product Privilege for In-House Counsel – Distinguishing the Business Advisor and Legal Counselor Roles
Cliff Greene and Chris L. Schmitter tackle the very important topic of privilege for in-house counsel. Both future litigation and ethical rules are called into play as in-house counsel tryto distinguish what is protected communication and what is not.
Clifford M. Greene & Chris L. Schmitter
Considerations and Strategies for Pregnancy Related Litigation
This session examines the rise in litigation involving pregnancy discrimination claims and considers practical approaches for employment attorneys on both sides of the “v.” Join us for an informative discussion, including useful guidance for litigators pursuing or defending against such claims.
Nicholas J. Pladson, Stephanie D. Sarantopolous & Kaarin Nelson Schaffer
Jenny Gassman-Pines (moderator)
Jenny’s practice involves defending private and public-sector clients facing employment claims in courtroom and agency sessions. She is a co-author of a soon to be released pregnancy accommodations book published by the Minnesota CLE.
Cliff is a founding member of the firm and one of Minnesota’s most respected trial attorneys, regularly defending clients in high-profile claims including employment actions.
Chris joined Greene Espel in 2015 after completing federal trial and appellate clerkships. His practice includes representation of both public and private sector clients.