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“What’s next?” Greene Espel can guide you through the appellate process, providing an objective assessment of the pivotal issues, developing a strategy based on how appellate judges are likely to view a case in light of legal, institutional, and policy considerations, and advocating effectively.

We handle appeals in state and federal courts across the nation, with particular emphasis on Minnesota’s appellate courts and the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. 

Our firm is home to experienced appellate practitioners. Plus, several of our attorneys have clerked at the appellate level. We have in-depth knowledge of the appellate process—the ins and outs of motion practice at the appellate courts, the anticipated timing of decisions, and the written and unwritten rules. We have in-depth experience in state and federal courts across the nation, with particular emphasis on the Minnesota appellate courts and the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. Our attorneys are known for their exceptional brief writing, insightful analysis, and persuasive oral advocacy–and many hold leadership positions with the Minnesota State Bar Association’s Appellate Practice Council, the Eighth Circuit Bar Association, and the Federal Bar Association. Our clients benefit from our knowledge of the inner workings of the appellate courts and our participation in judicial administration and policy.

We can be involved in your appellate case in several ways:

  • Consulting at the trial court level to properly prepare the case for potential appeal
  • Consulting at the appellate level with clients and existing counsel regarding case assessment, strategy, amicus support, brief preparation, oral-argument preparation, and moot-court rehearsals
  • Assuming full responsibility for all aspects of an appeal, including case assessment and appellate strategy, brief preparation, oral argument, preparing or responding to petitions for review, and post-appeal strategy
  • Writing amicus briefs

Mark Johnson
John Baker
Holley Horrell
Jeanette Bazis

Practice Contact

Monte A. Mills

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Events & Presentations

  • August 15, 2024. Kate Swenson to Present at Minnesota CLE's 2024 U.S. Supreme Court Update Read More
  • February 20, 2024. Kate Swenson to Present on Pre-Trial Preparation for Minnesota CLE Read More


Jeanette Bazis Named to Minnesota Lawyer's 2024 POWER 30 for Business Litigation

The “POWER 30” list—curated through extensive interviews with legal luminaries and analysis of landmark cases—recognizes attorneys whose presence on a case “signifies the stakes, who have influenced the direction of the law, whose leadership in the community is pervasive and whose respect within the bar is undeniable.”

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Holley Horrell Appointed to U.S. Magistrate Judge Merit Selection Panel

The panel will review applications, interview prospective candidates, and recommend the five best-qualified candidates to the District Judges for consideration.

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Greene Espel Attorneys Recognized on the 2025 Best Lawyers and Ones to Watch Lists

Best Lawyers compiles its annual recognition by a comprehensive peer review survey which is designed to capture the consensus opinion of leading lawyers about the professional abilities of their colleagues within the same geographical area and legal practice area.

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We can help you navigate the appellate process in state or federal court. Greene Espel can provide objective assessments of potential appeals, craft briefs for parties or amici, and advocate persuasively at oral argument.

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