Local Government Defense
Local government defense is a cornerstone of Greene Espel’s practice.
We represent cities, counties, airports, school districts, regional authorities, and universities—often in high-profile disputes where fundamental public policies are at stake or where the outcome carries significant financial implications.
Our Experience Includes:
- Our attorneys have litigated matters that have been instrumental in developing caselaw on critical issues of governmental liability. Our cases have helped shape state and federal judicial policy concerning immunities and related defenses for governments and their officials. We have litigated other issues involving government entities, including data practices, free expression, defamation, environment, land use, government contracts, franchises, and procurement.
- We have represented cities in tax-increment financing cases. We have defended municipal bond issuers against claims for violations of federal and state securities fraud statutes, consumer fraud, and breach of contract.
- We have litigated employment cases in federal and state court, in arbitration, and in federal and state agencies. We have represented clients accused of making decisions on the basis of gender, disability, race, religion, and other protected classes. We have represented government entities in employment disciplinary investigations and decisions. We have litigated employment discipline decisions in court, arbitration, and other forums.
- We have represented local governments, departmental officials, and officers in law enforcement liability cases. Our cases have included a range of allegations from complex federal constitutional challenges to allegations of state tort violations.

Holley C. M. Horrell

Katherine M. Swenson
Related Practices
Constitutional Litigation
Constitutional litigation is a cornerstone of Greene Espel’s practice. We represent individuals, private businesses, and government entities where their actions raise constitutional issues.
Energy and Environmental
Handling environmental and energy disputes is a fundamental part of our practice. We defend lawsuits, give compliance counseling, and offer guidance in the face of legal and regulatory quagmires.
Elections and Redistricting
Greene Espel takes on attacks to voting rights and democratic institutions—and wins. We take on lawsuits to tackle voter suppression, election subversion, and districting issues.
Events & Presentations
- August 15, 2024. Kate Swenson to Present at Minnesota CLE's 2024 U.S. Supreme Court Update Read More
- June 11, 2024. John Baker, Chad Blumenfield, and Amran Farah to Present at the FBA 48th Annual Federal Practice Seminar Read More
- February 20, 2024. Kate Swenson to Present on Pre-Trial Preparation for Minnesota CLE Read More
Holley Horrell Appointed to U.S. Magistrate Judge Merit Selection Panel
The panel will review applications, interview prospective candidates, and recommend the five best-qualified candidates to the District Judges for consideration.
Surya Saxena Admitted to American College of Trial Lawyers
Founded in 1950, the College is composed of the best of the trial bar from the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.
Greene Espel Attorneys Recognized on the 2025 Best Lawyers and Ones to Watch Lists
Best Lawyers compiles its annual recognition by a comprehensive peer review survey which is designed to capture the consensus opinion of leading lawyers about the professional abilities of their colleagues within the same geographical area and legal practice area.